Here's a list of important things you need to know before you can adopt. Please read them all!! ^_^
- You must have a webpage. Where will the poor guy live if you don't?
- Please don't sign up if your page isn't ready. (i.e. It doesnt have an url ^^;) Wait until it is, and then sign up. ^_^
- Once you have adopted, make sure you link back to La Smoking Bomber (http://navi.animecity.ml.org/mamoru/) or the Chibi-Kamen Adoption Center. (https://members.tripod.com/~mamorushrine/ckac/).
- You are allowed to link directly to your Chibi-Kamen or upload it onto your own sever, your call.
- Feel free to use these pictures for graphics and such, but please give credit. These have taken me a long time to edit.
- If you steal my idea without asking me, I'll eat you.
- Putting up the button is optional, but appreciated. ^_^
- If you don't want your email on the adopter's list, don't put it when filling out the form.
- Don't fill out the form more than once! If you don't see your name appear on the adopter's list, don't worry, it's just cause I'm busy. ^^;
- Once you have filled out the form, press the send button once!!
- Feel free to change the alt text, etc. in the HTML!
La Smoking Bomber | CKAC
© Ally / Navi. Tuxedo Kamen and Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon © Naoko Takeuchi.